Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE

Telephone: 015395 58434


Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE

Telephone: 015395 58434



Celebrating Weekly Achievements

We love to CELEBRATE! Every Thursday morning at 9.05am, we have a Celebration Assembly where our parents and families are warmly invited to celebrate all of our children’s fabulous achievements both in, and outside, of school.

We value all of the interests which our children pursue whether it be a fantastic walk up a fell one weekend with family and friends, taking part in competitive activities or playing with our very own Flookburgh Brass Band!  We want to know all about it and share everything great about our children and community.

Class Champion

Our Class Champions are those children who have done something out of the ordinary to support their classmates and teacher or maybe helping children and teachers in other classes.  

Reader of the Week

Our children just love books! We praise all of our children for the fabulous effort they put into developing their reading skills throughout the school.  Each week we celebrate a pupil or group of pupils from each class who have shown a true love of reading from working really hard on their phonics and early reading skills to reading multiple books in one week!

Headteacher’s Award

Each half-term, we explore one of our school’s Christian Values in more detail: RespectForgivenessHope, Endurance, Courage and Compassion

Throughout the week, the teachers look out for children who exemplify the qualities of the Christian Value.  This can be shown in a variety of ways; often it is the children themselves who recognise these qualities in each other from what they have learnt in Collective Worship, for example or from discussion in class and at home. 

Children love to share who they think is a worthy recipient for this award with their class teacher and, more often than not, it’s the same person the teacher was thinking of all along! 

Other Celebrations

There is always more to celebrate on a Thursday morning! Whether it is those children deserving a Times Table Rockstars certificate, sports teams trying their hardest when representing our school, or even children who receive various awards outside of school time, we believe all deserve a place in our Celebration Assembly!

School Announcements

Apply now for 15 or 30 hours childcare to start your place in September

Apply here

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