Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Telephone: 015395 58434
Welcome to Wainwright Class!
We are a mixed aged class of Year 5 and 6. Our teacher is Miss Horne and we have a teaching assistant Mrs Myers, supporting us with our learning some sessions. Lessons are very fast paced in our class, because we are learning to become independent thinkers and responsible for our own success. There is a mixture of practical, problem-solving activities, discussions and written tasks across the whole curriculum and we present this learning in a variety of different ways.
We begin each day with an independent task which could include completing a previous task or answering a question that Miss Horne has set us for ‘next steps’ in our work. We then complete spelling and handwriting activities before beginning our English work. This is often centred around a set text and produces the content from our reading and writing curriculum learning. We then have maths, which is full of different activities and tasks stemming from the White Rose Maths scheme of learning.
During the afternoon we enjoy all of the foundation subjects: RE, History, Geography, Computing, Art, DT, Music and PSHE. We often have visitors into school to talk to us about what we are learning and we enjoy going on trips to enhance our understanding of certain topics. Similarly, we also engage in a variety of extra activities on top of our curriculum such as African drumming, Cycle Wise, fell walking, visits to plays and concerts, Young Leaders, First Aid courses and orienteering to name a few! Although we work incredibly hard in Wainwright Class, there is also lots of opportunities to fall in love with the art of learning; we emerge from our Primary School life ready for secondary school with the tools to embark on our continued learning journey.
Newsletter 12th July View Newsletter
Newsletter 5th July View Newsletter
Newsletter 14th June View Newsletter
Newsletter 7th June View Newsletter