Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Winder Lane, Flookburgh, Grange-over-Sands LA11 7LE
Telephone: 015395 58434
School Lunches
Our school lunches are currently provided by Old School Kitchen. If you would like your child to have school meals, please ensure that you submit your meal choices each week via ParentPay by Thursday evening at the latest so that they can be ordered in advance.
All ingredients used for our school meals are fresh, seasonal and locally sourced meaning that the quality of the meals that we provide is excellent. Children are provided with healthy meals which are both balanced and nutritious.
Healthy Snacks
All of our pupils and families are encouraged to bring/provide a healthy choice snack for breaktimes. As part of the school’s on-going work on health and well-being, the children have come up with their own variety of healthy choices for snack-times and understand the importance of a healthy, well-balanced diet for their future health and well-being.
We encourage our children to choose from a variety of fruit, vegetables and/or low sugar/fat snack choices with fresh water provided for them throughout the day. Children are also encouraged to bring fresh water in a clear, water-bottle each day to school to ensure they keep hydrated.
Our youngest children are provided, free of charge, with a variety of fruits and vegetables to snack on throughout the day; they are also entitled to free-milk whilst in Early Years and Key Stage 1; Key Stage 2 children are provided with milk each day, for a small fee.
We currently provide a hot lunch or a packed lunch option, lunch selections are made via ParentPay.
Newsletter 4th October View Newsletter
Newsletter 27th September View Newsletter
Newsletter 20th September View Newsletter
Newsletter 12th July View Newsletter